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Capturing Rainwater


Tara Manno Richer

Sustainable Milton and Local Company offer Discounted Rain Barrels Trees have leafed out and many flowering trees, shrubs and plants are now in bloom.  Warm weather is finally upon us, and that means it’s time to begin thinking about water conservation and ways to save rainwater.  Capturing and storin grain water and the use of rain-gardens are the two most effective ways of minimizing storm water runoff, a win-win for homeowners and the environment. Rainfall is hard to gauge but harvesting rain can mitigate irregular patterns of rainfall. To help homeowners collect and use rainwater Sustainable Milton has teamed up with the Great American Rain Barrel company in Hyde Park to offer rain barrels at a discounted price.  We have 2 at our house and use them regularly to water the perennials, herbs and vegetables in our garden as well as our potted plants.  A gift that keeps on giving, we emptied the barrels one fall before reseeding our front lawn.  It’s a great way to offset the use of MWRA water.  Rainwater is free, whereas the wholesale rate of water from the MWRA increased 49% from 2008-2018. Using rain barrels helps us hedge against the rising cost of water.  Regular use of a rain barrel at this discounted price can actually pay for itself in one season.

Rainwater is also a healthy alternative; it is organic, has no chlorine, no fluoride and no chemicals. It is an excellent water source for plants, gardens,lawns and any non-potable use.  It helps prevent runoff and returns water to the landscape when needed.  

Droughts stress residential landscaping and public water supplies. In 2016, 168 Massachusetts communities faced restrictions on non-essential outdoor water use: 47% of MA municipalities! There is no restriction on rainwater use.  It’s like water in the bank.  You can take it out whenever you need it.

Sustainable Milton is once again working with the Great American Rain Barrel Co., a local food importing company that has been re-purposing shipping drums into Rain Barrels since 1988. Great American Rain Barrel has been a Mass DEP-approved state vendor since 2010.

Rain barrels come in 3 landscape-friendly colors and an unpainted option. Barrels are being offer to residents for $79 and will be available for pick-up 5-7 PM on Weds June 20 at 1715 Hyde Park Ave, 1 block north of the Readville train station. Deadline for purchase is Weds June 13 at midnight. To find out more and order a rain barrel,please click Milton.



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