Educated Eater’s Guide
Originally complied April 2012
What to Do:
Be an Educated Consumer - Read labels!
Buy organic or sustainable food with little or no pesticides
Determine where your food came from (country or state of origin)
Avoid Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
Be suspicious of anything w/corn, soy, canola or cottonseed unless “100% organic”
GMO sugar beets and alfalfa are a new concern
Vote with your wallet
Support local farms: join a CSA and/or visit local farmers' markets
Milton: Farmers Market Details TBD
Ride your bike there & get a $2 coupon!
Support restaurants and vendors that buy locally produced foods
Ask your favorite restaurants and vendors to offer local, sustainable foods
Download/use/share this very helpful guide: http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/
Consider what you put “on” your body too (hair and skin care products)
Bring it Home
Eat seasonally. Foods in season have more nutritional content and taste better!
Cook at home and enjoy dinners as a family
Visit local farms, grow a garden and teach children how to garden
Spread the Word
Request places serving food to children stop providing junk food, sodas and sports drinks
Encourage classroom/office/other party planners to provide sustainable foods in/on reusable dishware
Tell Congress that food safety is important to you
Making Sense of Labeling Terms:
“100% organic”: all ingredients organic & minimally processed; no pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste/sewage sludge, radiation, GMO or food additives; no growth hormones or routine use of antibiotics
USDA seal w/o the words “100% organic”: > 95% of content by wt (excluding water and salt) is organic; 5% includes products not available in organic form; no sludge or radiation
“made w/organic ingredients” (no USDA seal): >70% organic ingredients; no restrictions on other ingredients
organic ingredients listed on label: contains < 70% organic ingredients
Deciphering Produce Codes:
In addition to often telling you the country of origin, the first digits of those little produce stickers tell you how the food item was grown:
Conventional Produce – when the prefix is:
3 = hybrid (nectarines are a hybrid, hybrids aren’t necessarily bad)
4 = conventional inputs (synthetic fertilizers, herbicides & pesticides)
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
begins with 8 (not often used per request of industry)
Organic – five digits beginning with 9
Example: bananas
Conventionally grown: 4011
Conventionally grown hybrid: 3011
GMO: 84011 (theoretical label)
Organic: 94011 (actual label)
Suggested Reading:
Michael Pollan: “Omnivore's Dilemma”, “In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto”
Eric Schlosser: “Fast Food Nation”
Marion Nestle: “Food Politics”, “What to Eat”
Barbara Kingsolver: “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle”
Vandana Shiva: “Stolen Harvest”
Robyn O’Brien: “The Unhealthy Truth”
Mark Bittman’s column in the NY Times
Frances Moore Lappe & Anna Lappe: “Hope’s Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet”
Didi Emmons: “Wild Flavors”
Jo Robinson: “Pasture Perfect The Far-Reaching Benefits of Choosing Meat, Eggs and Dairy Products from Grass-fed Animals”
Norman Wirzba, ed: “The Essential Agrarian Reader”
Wendell Berry: “The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture”
Upton Sinclair: “The Jungle”
Jackie Newgent: “Big Green Cookbook: Hundreds of Planet-pleasing Recipes and Tips for a Luscious, Low-carbon Lifestyle”
Julie Gabriel: “The Green Beauty Guide” (see Appendix B: personal care products to avoid)
Suggested Viewing:
“King Corn” www.kingcorn.net/
“Food, Inc.” www.foodincmovie.com
“Fresh” www.freshthemovie.com/
“The Future of Food” www.thefutureoffood.com/
“Forks over Knives” http://www.forksoverknives.com/
“Fast Food Nation”
“Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution”
Seed Supply Concerns:
Allergy and Food Safety Info:
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), and Fishing (CSFs):
www.mass.gov/agr/massgrown/index.htm - complete list of MA CSA’s – Note: though some may be a distance away, they may have drop-offs nearby; lots of Consumer Resources & Buy Local info
www.nofamass.org/programs MA Chapter of Northeast Organic Farmer’s Assoc
www.namanet.org “Think Globally, Fish Locally”
Some CSA’s convenient to Milton:
Brookwood Community Farm: produce www.BrookwoodCommunityFarm.org
Shared Harvest Winter CSA: produce http://sharedharvestcsa.com/
Stillman's Farm: produce and meat www.stillmansfarm.com/
Cape Ann Fresh Catch: fish/seafood http://capeannfreshcatch.org/
Sustainable/Local Food Options:
www.sustainabletable.org – type in your zip code and find out where to buy (and eat out) fresh, local, sustainably harvested food; key questions to ask farmers and store managers
http://eatwild.com/ “Grass-fed Food and Facts”
www.localharvest.org “Real Food, Real Farmers, Real Community”
www.ediblecommunities.com “A Network of Local Food Publications”
www.buylocalfood.com “Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture”
Plastic Container Guidance: