Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
The recycling triangle that became such an icon in the late 70s has taken on new meaning over the past 50 years. We are generating more waste. We are consuming more goods! We are using more plastic to produce and package our goods and many are single use, going directly to the trash and overflowing into our waterways, oceans, and shores.
NOW it is time to adjust our focus from RECYCLING and shift towards REDUCING and REUSING!!!
Take a Deeper Dive to Learn More
Use the Helpful Links below to find reduce, reuse and recycling resources.
Town Of Milton Recycle Right App
DPW Trash and Recycle Information
Sources for recyclables NOT collected curbside:
RecycleWorks (Business and Commercial Resources in MA)
EPA Reducing waste: What can you do?
8 ways to reduce waste: Nature Conservancy
Food Waste Diversion